Yellow Wood-sorrel

Oxalis stricta

Oxalis stricta photo © by Mike Plagens

In a shady ravine near Washington Park, Gila Co., Arizona. 18 May 2013.

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FLOWERS: Bright yellow flowers with five free petals on a long stem (peduncle).

LEAVES: The heart-shaped leaflets are three to each leaf; these may be folded when weather is cold. The leaves are tart due to presence of oxalic acid, which in quantity is toxic to people.

PERENNIAL: Leaves and flowering stems are entirely herbaceous above ground from perennial underground roots/stems. Plants mostly less than 30 cm tall/long.

RANGE: Common in sunny, partially open habitats in the East and Midwest but in Arizona mostly restricted to shady ravines in the conifer woodlands.

FRUIT: Upright, fleshy capsules pop open with some force as they mature and dry.


Oxalidaceae -- Wood-Sorrel Family

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Arizona Naturalist
Arizona's Ponderosa Woodlands
The Flora of Arizona's Ponderosa Woodlands


Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 24 Mar. 2016