Trailing Four O'Clock

Allionia incarnata

Photo by Stan Shebs

This photo was taken just outside Red Rock Canyon, Nevada, April 2005 by Wikimedia User:Stan Shebs.

SPRING ANNUAL: Begins blooming mid spring. Some plants may survive into summer blooming some more after summer rains. Usually grows along prostrate on ground, appearing vine-like.

LEAVES: Leaves and stems are all covered with sticky, glanded hairs. Simple, opposite leaves are mostly heart-shaped.

FLOWERS: Each 'flower' is a cluster of usually three flowers grouped together by short bracts. The perianth is magenta-pink. Blooms mid spring and spradically through summer and fall, moisture depending.

FRUIT: Small, flattened, odd-looking achenes, 4 mm, with edges curled.

RANGE: Common along sandy washes in Sonoran Desert.


Nyctaginaceae -- Four O'Clock Family

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Inflorescence of Alionia incarnata photo by Allan Ostling

This photo was taken by Allan Ostling in Rackensack Canyon northeast of Phoenix on 26 Oct. 2013.
The three florets composing the inflorescence are easy to see.

More Information:

Sonoran Desert Field Guide
Sonoran Desert Places
Sonoran Desert Naturalist Home Page


Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 22 Nov. 2008
updated 14 March 2014