Sonoran Desert Naturalist >>> Field Guide >>> Sonoran Desert Flora >>> Polemoniaceae >>> Linanthus dichotomus

Evening Snow

Linanthus dichotomus

Photo © by Michael Plagens

Photographed near Saddle Mountain in western Maricopa Co., Arizona. March 2008.

FLOWERS: White petals fused into a tube which may have some purplish coloring. Stamens down in throat.

ANNUAL: A delicate herb of spring time in the Sonoran Desert. Opening in the evening and melting with mid-day sun. Rarely much taller than 15 cm. Plants in drier locations may bear flowers singly on thin stems; more robust plants will have several.

LEAVES: Leaves are opposite on the stem. The upper leaves are simple-linear while lower, basal leaves may be pinnatifid with linear segments.

RANGE: Fairly common in the western portions of the Sonoran Desert on rocky bajadas and wash banks but visible only in springs following good winter rains.

FRUIT: Dry, spherical capsule.

UNARMED. No spines/thorns.

Polemoniaceae -- Phlox Family

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Copyright Michael J. Plagens, 1999-2009