Arizona Naturalist >>> Sonoran Desert Naturalist >>> Field Guide >>> Sonoran Desert Flora >>> Brassicaceae >>> Stanleya pinnata

Desert Prince's Plume

Stanleya pinnata

habit of Desert Prince's Plume, Stanleya pinnata, photo © by Michael Plagens

Observed blooming near Cottonwood Spring, Joshua Tree National Park, California, USA. 1 May 2010.

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FLOWERS: Grand spikes of bright yellow flowers atop tall stems. As usual with all mustard plants, there are four petals and six stamens. The stamens os Stanleya are especially long and conspicuous. Blooming late spring and sometime in autumn depending on rainfall.

inflorescence of Desert Prince's Plume, Stanleya pinnata, photo © by Michael Plagens

RANGE: On the northern and western fringes of the Sonoran Desert, i.e. absent from most of the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. Conspicuous in the Colorado Desert portion of Joshua Tree National Park. Also in the Mojave Desert, Great Basin and on the Colorado Plateau.

PERENNIAL HERB: Rising to two meters or more in height on mostly herbaceous stems, but the basal branches and crown is very tough and woody. There are dozen or more main lateral branches from central main stem.

LEAVES: Tough leaves have the margins mostly deeply pinnately lobed.

FRUIT: Long, slender pods.


These beautiful plants face a possible threat as the Painted Stink Bug expands it s range after an accidental introduction in the Los Angeles area. Please report if you find this bug beyond California to the e-mail at bottom of this page.

Painted Stink Bug

Painted Bug

Brassicaceae Mustard Family

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Copyright Michael J. Plagens, 1999-2010