Great Brome

Bromus diandrus

Great Brome Grass, Bromus diandrus, photo © by Michael Plagens

Observed along Sycamore Creek in the western slopes of the Mazatzal Mts., Maricopa Co., Arizona. 16 May 2010.

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PERENNIAL GRASS: Besides the annual Red Brome, there are several larger perennial brome grass species. Plants are up to one meter in height.

FLOWERS: Small green flowers in spikelets with reddish awns. The inflorescence branches weep gracefully as if heavy with grain.

RANGE: These bromes are introduced from Europe/Asia. The several species are frequent in riparian habitats.

FRUIT: Florets with medium-length awns on the lemmas.

Poaceae -- Grass Family

More Information:

Arizona Naturalist
Sycamore Canyons
The Flora of Arizona's Sycamore Canyons


Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 4 May 2011,
updated 10 Sept. 2020.