Arizona Naturalists >>> Sycamore Gallery Flora >>> Euphorbiaceae >>> Euphorbia heterophylla

Mexican Fire Plant

Euphorbia heterophylla

Mexican Fire Plant, Euphorbia heterophylla, © by Michael Plagens

Madera Canyon, Sta. Rita Mts., Arizona, USA. 10 September 2010.

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FLOWERS: Complex inflorescence with minute male and slightly larger female flowers clustered in a cup-like structure. The fruits soon enlarge after pollination. The leaves just below the flowers might show some red, pink, white or plane green.

LEAVES: The elongate leaves are tapered at both ends. White sap emerges from broken leaves and stems. Upper surface greens and lower with many whitish hairs.

ANNUAL: May germinate in late spring if winter rains have been good, otherwise growth begins after start of summer rains. Most plants are less than 40 cm tall.

RANGE: Rocky soil, often in the shade of riparian trees or on partially shaded cliff faces.

FRUIT: A smooth capsule with three lobes. One seed in each capsule.


Euphorbiaceae -- Spurge Family

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Sycamore Canyons
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Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 22 November 2013