Arizona Naturalists >>> Sycamore Gallery Flora >>> Solanaceae >>> Lycium pallidum

Pale Desert-thorn

Lycium pallidum

Pale Desert-thron, Lycium pallidum, © by Michael Plagens

Observed on a partially shaded slope adjacent to Peppersauce Canyon, Sta. Catalina Mts., Arizona, USA. 18 April 2010. The excerted stamens are easily seen.

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FLOWERS: The tubular flowers are cream-colored and often tinged green or lavender. The tube is long.

LEAVES: The elyptical to oblong leaves are gray-green.

SHRUB: A woody shrub with intricate branching. Most plants are 1 to  2 m. tall.

RANGE: Rocky slopes, often in the shade of riparian trees or on partially shaded cliff faces. This plant ranges from California, Colorado and south to western Texas and Mexico.

FRUIT: A succulent red berry with several to many seeds. Like the other wolfberries, they are edible, but there is a lot of variation in flavor between plants.

ARMED: Thorns present, but often not so sharp.

Solanaceae -- Nightshade Family

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Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 02 October 2012