Arizona Naturalists >>> Sycamore Gallery Flora >>> Scrophulariaceae >>> Mimulus guttatus

Seep Monkey Flower

Mimulus guttatus
(M. nasutus)

Seep Monkey Flower, Mimulus guttatus photo © by Michael Plagens

Mimulus guttatus photo © by Michael Plagens

Photographed at Mesquite Wash, Maricopa Co., Arizona, USA. April 2008.

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FLOWERS: Yellow, two-lipped flowers. The green calyx below the corolla is asymetrical - some teeth are much larger than others - also, the calyx expands as fruit matures.

ANNUAL: Along riparian stretches that remain damp this succulent, herbaceous plant may develop perennial rizomes below soil. Robust plants can be a meter tall and a meter wide.

LEAVES: Leaves are mostly orbicular but can be quite small or large from population to population, or depending on moisture availability. Leaf margins usually with small or large rounded teeth. Leaves are fed upon by the caterpillars of Buckeye butterflies.

RANGE: Sycamore canyons and creeks in Arizona are subject to floods which leave lots of moist sand behind. Seep Monkey Flower is frequent along vitually every sycamore-lined riparian habitat in Arizona.

FRUIT: Dry capsules with many seeds.


Scrophulariaceae -- Figwort Family

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Sycamore Canyons
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Copyright Michael J. Plagens, 1999-2010