Arizona Naturalists >>> Sycamore Gallery Flora >>> Rosaceae >>> Rubus arizonensis

Arizona Dewberry

Rubus arizonensis

Arizona Dewberry, Rubus arizonensis, photo © by Michael Plagens

Found in moist soil adjacent to Oak Creek near Page Springs, Yavapai Co., Arizona, USA. 21 August 2011.

FRUIT: The mature fruit consists of several to many small, fleshy drupes united into one larger berry. Red before turning black when ripe.

FLOWERS: The five white petals on each flower occur briefly in the spring.

LEAVES: The leaves are divided into five elyptical leaflets that are serrated on the margins and joined at one point ... i.e. palmately compound.

RANGE: Found in partly shady soil between deciduous trees in Arizona's sycamore woodlands.

WOODY VINE: The long slender woody stems are often supported by other shrubs. The thorny stems create thickets that are difficult to walk through.

ARMED: Sharp thorns on the woody bramble stems.

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Rosaceae -- Rose Family

More Information:

Arizona Naturalist
Sycamore Canyons
The Flora of Arizona's Sycamore Canyons


Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 7 January 2013