Texas Betony
Scarlet Hedgenettle

Stachys coccinea

Photo © by Michael Plagens

Photographed at Haunted Canyon, east of Superstition Mts., Gila Co., Arizona. Oct. 26, 2002. A denizen of wet springy places, i.e. a rarity in the Sonoran Desert.

FLOWERS: Bright red, two-lipped flowers are a favorite of hummingbirds.

PERENNIAL HERB: Above ground portion of this plant is entirely herbaceous. Regrows from a perennial root stock.

LEAVES: Elliptical to deltoid leaves have serrated margins and are opposite on stems. Also note the stems that are square in cross-section, a common trait of the mint family.

RANGE: Uncommon in the Sonoran Desert. Found in moist, shady canyons mostly above 900 m elevation.

FRUIT: Dry capsules with usually four nutlets each.


Lamiaceae -- Mint Family

More Information:

Sonoran Desert Field Guide
Sonoran Desert Places
Sonoran Desert Naturalist Home Page

Copyright Michael J. Plagens, page created 15 Nov. 2002,
updated 17 July 2022.