Sonoran Desert Poppies

Mostly annual herbs. Showy flowers usu. with five petals and numerous stamens. Several species, four shown here.

Mexican Gold Poppy

Eschscholzia californica


Platystemon californicus

The Sonoran Desert subspecies is smaller than California and is an annual herb of spring time in the Sonoran Desert. Present only in wet years when they can cover vast hillsides.      Detailed Description

Delicate spring annual of wash banks and rocky hillsides. Present only after adequate winter-spring rains.   Detailed Description

Pygmy Poppy

Eschscholzia minutiflora

Prickly Poppy

Argemone pleiacantha

Small spring annual. Four or five small yellow petals. Finely divided leaves at ground.   Detailed Description

Tall annual evident by mid spring and though summer. Large white petals with bright yellow center of stamens. Prickly, of course.   Detailed Description

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